Next, transport dept to act on drunk driving, tinted glasses

Times of India | 4 days ago | 04-08-2022 | 12:00 pm

Next, transport dept to act on drunk driving, tinted glasses

Panaji: Transport ministerMauvin Godinho on Wednesday said that post the monsoon, the transport department will initiate a drive against drunk driving and cars having tinted glasses.“I will instruct the department to conduct a continued drive against drunk driving and tinted glasses. Vehicles found violating them will be detained,” Godinho said. He also urged people with tinted or dark films on the glasses of their vehicles to get them removed. Equating a person driving or riding a vehicle under the influence of alcohol to a bomb likely to blast, he said that such drivers are endangering the lives of other people. H said that if a person or a group going to a party intend to drink, they should either hire a driver or designate one person from the group for driving, who should refrain from drinking.

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Times of India
9 hours ago | 08-08-2022 | 02:40 am

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Voters may have to brave rain to excercise franchise on August 10